Showing 13–24 of 37 results

Kokosnötsöverdragen, Pistagekräm Fylld Pistage Turkisk Delikatess

22.95 kr100g
Den tillagas med traditionella metoder, med färska och högkvalitativa ingredienser.Innehåller inga tillsatser.

Rose Petal Coated Pomegranate Pistachio Turkish Delight

19.95 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Plain Turkish Delight

9.19 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Turkish Delight With Rose Taste

13.79 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Sultan Turkish Delight With Powdered Pistachio Filling

17.24 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Sultan Turkish Delight with Hazelnut Filling

20.69 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Fruity Bird Turkish Delight

14.95 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Mastic Turkish Delicacy

14.95 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Pistachio Cezerye Ball

17.95 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Pistachio And Pomegranate Thread Turkish Delight

22.95 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Pistage Milk Thread Turkish Delight

28.74 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.

Single Pistachio Thread Turkish Delight

28.74 kr100g
It is prepared using traditional methods, with fresh and high quality ingredients.Contains no additives.